
Service Flyer: A quick look overview of our service. Ideal for service advertisement to clients and other organisations.

Who we Are- Brochure: An information brochure outlining who we are, what we do and why we do it. Also contained Centre contact information and opening hours.

Who we are- Multicultural Brochure: An information brochure stating what services we provide written in multiple languages: English, Chinese, Turkish, Arabic, Filipino, Korean and Hindi.

The clay models hand crafted by participants of our Shapes of Resilience Program have been captured and transformed into a calendar for the year of 2025! View here.



2023-2024 Annual Report CLICK HERE

2022-2023 Annual Report PART 1 & 2

2021-2022 Annual Report PART 1 & 2

Undoing: A collection of poetry written by the members of the Cumberland Women’s Health centre and Westwords initiative ‘Voice Renewed’.

Apples- An unapologetic Anthology from the core: A collection of poetry written by Cumberland Women’s Health Centre and Westwords initiative ‘ Writing Your Voice’.

Huddles in the Kitchen: A Cook Book with a collection of stories from multi-cultural women attending Cumberland Women’s Health Centre.

Take the Lead- Client’s Story

Take the Lead- Consortium Partner’s Story

Girls Talk Project