The Cumberland Women’s Health Centre convenes the Parramatta Cumberland Family and Domestic Violence Committee (The Committee), which meets bi-monthly and whose activities centre on Domestic Violence Prevention. The committee also runs a range of community outreach and awareness events throughout the year including 16 Days of Activism and an annual ‘It’s Time to Talk’ White Ribbon Day Breakfast.

History of The Committee

The Parramatta Cumberland Family and Domestic Violence Prevention Committee (The Committee) was initially established over 20 years ago to assemble community involvement for a Reclaim the Night march. Since then, its mission is to mobilise the power of community and government agencies working in the Parramatta and Cumberland Local Government Areas in order to reduce domestic and family violence and improve the safety and status of women experiencing violence.

Over the last 20 years, The Committee has been committed to addressing issues of domestic violence in communities through organising, participating and supporting projects, events, forums and seminars. Identifying the need for F & DV resources within the local government areas to better aid service providers and clients accessing support, The Committee has developed a Service Directory, DV Support Cards and other resources to increase awareness of the local support services available for victims of F & DV.

What are the objectives of The Committee?

  • Raise awareness of destructive impacts of Domestic and Family Violence (D&FV) in the Parramatta and Cumberland Local Government Areas

  • To increase safety and support for women and children in the Parramatta and Cumberland LGAs through education and prevention programs, and through partnerships and collaboration

  • To increase knowledge, resources and activities which addresses the priorities of women and children affected by violence

  • To advocate, lobby and engage with policy makers and other key influential stakeholders, building awareness and the capacity for system change

  • Improve access to services for victims of D&FV

  • Ensure the access to information by women from marginalised and isolated groups

  • Promote the human rights of all members of the community with an emphasis on women and children that are the most vulnerable

Who are the members of The Committee?

Members of The Committee include representatives from government, non-government or organisations and other agencies in the Parramatta/Cumberland LGAs. Committee members have included representatives from Cumberland Women’s Health Centre, Police, Community Health Centres, Centrelink, DOCS, Women’s DV Court Assistance Scheme, Chamber Magistrate, Refuge Workers, Family Support and Immigrant Women’s Speakout.       

Join the Committee

Want to be a part of the great work we do in our community? Join us and make a difference.